As a reminder, checks issued by the SFDCT are valid for only 180 days from the date on the check. The SF-DCT will automatically place a stop payment on all checks that are not cashed after the check expiration date. If you have an uncashed check that is more than 180 days past the check date, you will need to contact us in order to receive a new check. If you receive Class 7 Cash-Out Offer check and want to return it for a full disease review, you must return the check within 180 days from the date on the check. Failure to return the Cash Out Offer check by the deadline will result in denying your disease review, we will, of course, return your check.

If you are an attorney who represents both claimants in the MDL-926 Revised Settlement Program RSP and the SF-DCT and recently received the Important Notice from the MDL-926 Claims Office, the deadline to negotiate RSP checks is different than the SF-DCT policy stated above. Please remember that the SF-DCT and the MDL-926 operate under very different protocols. This means that certain policies developed by one facility are not necessarily implemented by the other facility.